
Showing posts from 2019

October 2019 Meeting Recap-Alice Williams

Lots of excitement this month!  The by-laws were adopted, and the election results were announced in the first bit of the meeting, and then we had a full schedule of programming! Election Results And the vote is in!  Presenting your 2020 TMQG Executive: President  Bobbie-Sue Gentilli Vice President Xandra Treasurer Brandi Secretary  Christina Communications Officer Theresa Thanks for stepping up guys, and I can't wait to see what's in store next year! November Meeting We're having our annual holiday party in November, with the usual treats!  Don't forget to bring something (enough for no more than 12 people).  New this year, in the second half of the meeting, we will open it to the public, and members of the TMQG will be able to have a table to sell their wares in a festive market ( email  to book a table). This year, we'll be having a name badge swap, if you want to participate, please carefully read the instructions that Adrienne has ki...

September 2019 Meeting Recap- Carol Ann Graham

We had a pretty packed meeting in September--it's that amazing time when we have to review the by-laws of the guild, and hold elections for next year's executive! By-laws and Election Call Karen reviewed the proposed by-law changes, and a Policy Paper on promotion and support on the guild's social media platforms.  Once that was done, Adrienne made the call for elections.  At the time of the meeting, all five of the executive positions were open for the 2020 year.  Each of the current position holders got up and gave a brief description of their duties, and took any questions.   Block Lotto Becky demonstrated the last block lotto of the year, which is a shorter one, and only ran for a month.  Blue and White crosses, scrappy and using mid-blue range fabrics-fun! Charity Quilt Update All the blocks were due in this month, and they look great!  We had a brief discussion about the full arrangement of the blocks, and Karen took t...

July 2019 Meeting-Quilts at the Creek!

Quilts at the Creek This was my first time at Quilts at the Creek, and I'm not sure it's going to continue, so I'm so glad I managed to make it to this one!  Our meeting mostly consisted of attending Valerie Goodwin's lecture and trunk show entitled "A Dialogue Between Quilting and Architecture" Valerie gave an absolutely fascinating talk, starting with how her architecture training has influenced her quilting and fibre arts work.   She talked about what she sees as the similarities between architectural process and the quilting process, and focused on design, texture, depth, colour, shape and other aspects.  She also talked about how she started doing workshops with students.  She uses a wealth of techniques, including collage, applique, and hand stitching.  Most recently she has been doing aerial views and using laser cut fabrics. Valerie was a really inspirational speaker, and her quilts and process are very unique, and beautiful...