March 31st Meeting Report
We had another great meeting in March, back to our regular schedule of the last Sunday of the month! Sadly, Libs Elliot was not able to be with us, as scheduled, but we're looking forward to seeing her in May. Please welcome our new resident Instagrammer/FB-er, Bobbie Sue Gentilli (aka @geekybobbin), thanks for volunteering! Days for Girls In place of Libs Elliot, we had a fascinating and engaging talk from Maria Pollieri, the Toronto team Leader for Days for Girls , an organisation that makes and distributes feminine hygiene kits to Grade 6 girl around the world. This is life changing for these young women, as these kits allow them to attend school during their period, which they wouldn't otherwise wouldn't be able to do. Maria Pollieri, Team Leader Toronto, Days for Girls The TMQG, as a group wants to help contribute to this worthy aim, by providing sewing expertise and complete piecing for the organisation. From this meeting, alot of the members t...