Toronto MQG November Meeting Recap

November 2020 Meeting Recap

Hello TMQG!


Quilts! Quilts! Quilts!
Did everyone enjoy our deluxe Show and Share? What a great way to end an otherwise dark year. Thank you to everyone who shared a picture or two of your fabulous and colourful quilts.

Thanks also to Jane Adams, one of our newest members, who volunteered to put together the Show and Share slides. She says she had so much fun working on the slides and at the meeting. You too can have fun and help make our guild more successful by volunteering.

There were too many gorgeous quilts to share all of them. The common factor in these images was the backgrounds, giving us hope the future might hold travel to beautiful places.

Congratulations to the winners of our fun quilting terms bingo game. Some definitions might have been stretched a bit, but with so many quilts on display examples of most of the "squares" eventually appeared.
Elfster Gift Exchange
At the November meeting, members were invited to sign-up for a quick and simple gift exchange to help spread some cheer amongst our TMQG community. Some of you may have received your gift early, like Cristina De Miranda who unwrapped these handcrafted greeting cards and HST gingerbread ornaments that captured her puppy's attention!

We'd love to see what your Secret Santa gifted you! Post and share your pictures on social media by tagging #torontomqg #TMQGsecretsanta. 
Spotlight on Your Stash
Karen Brown shared some great ideas for organizing and storing of your fabric stash and other sewing items. She hinted at a new video on this topic coming soon on her YouTube channel. In the meantime, you can print out her handy colour zone charts for sorting your stash from her website,

And here are the links to Bobbie's hints on folding fabric on file folder hangers:

Outreach Committee
We have delivered our kitty quilts to the Toronto Cat Recovery Center! Thank you to all our members who contributed to this donation. Thanks also to Bev Stevens of York Heritage Quilters Guild whose generous contribution of almost two dozen kitty quilts helped us meet our quota.

If this is a project that you would like to continue going forward you can donate more kitty quilts to the merchandise store where they love to get local cat related art donated to sell. 100% of the proceeds goes back into supporting the thousands of cats in their system during the year.
Suzanne Vokey
Toronto Cat Rescue 
Volunteer Centre
4229C Dundas Street West
Hours: Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat 9-2pm

We are going to be delivering several incubator covers to the NICU at St Joseph's Hospital before Christmas. I am so proud of all of the members who have taken on this challenge! I know the hospital staff, parents and families will be thrilled with our contribution. We will be continuing this project into next year so if you are interested please sign up.
Looking Forward
The next virtual guild meeting will be held on January 31, 2021. Hope to see you there!

The highlight of our first meeting of the new year will be a presentation by Sandra Johnson, a talented designer, quilter, garment sewer and teacher who often uses repurposed fabrics in her creations. Check out her work at sandrajohnsondesigns. Sandra will be back on April 10 to present a workshop on turning a quilt into a jacket. Watch for registration details to come.

Please note: As we won't be meeting in person, the annual garage sale has been postponed until we are able to be together again.

It is that time of year again - time to renew your guild memberships!  
You can go to our TMQG website store for all the details.

Renew Now!


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