
Showing posts from August, 2012

Welcome and Hello!

Hey y'all - welcome to our brand-new space! For a few months now we've been talking about switching from our old website format to a blog format and the time has finally arrived! Sheila and I have been putting the finishing touches on this new space for the last little bit - oh, who am I kidding? It's been mostly Sheila! She is our Media Guru after all. There will definitely be some adjustment to this new space as we move everything along, but our goal is to shut the old website down on October 1st. If there is anything that you want from the old site or a discussion you'd like to save, you'd best do it now! Charity Quilt with blocks made by TMQG members. Photo by Kaye Prince Some things you might want to know about our new space: - Only members who have attended meetings will have author rights to write blog posts for this space. Everyone else is free to follow along here and add comments. - Please email myself, Sheila, or the TMQG directly to request a...